Hiding Hands

brown nut on person's left palm

A fun game for two or more players! Choose an object each, ask one another questions to discover what the other person is hiding in their hands.

Foggy Day Play

body of water in between trees covered by fog

Wow, it’s foggy today! Let’s wrap up warm, head outside, and discover how different everything is when there’s fog around.

Den Building

Imagine if you had to sleep out in the woods. Could you make yourself a shelter to protect you from the weather? Let’s try!

Daisy Detective

white daisy flowers

Notice similarities and differences between the things around you by detecting and collecting daisies and dandelions.

Colour Collector

black and yellow bee pollinating on yellow sunflower

Each season has its own colour palette; how many colours can you see in your garden, or on a walk?

Collection Box

black beetle

Let’s collect! Who can collect the largest collection of the smallest things on our outing today?

Build a Nest

nest on tree

In springtime, birds begin to make their nests, let’s see if we can spot any and learn how to make our own.